*Welcome to the older site of Beth Lenco
Please go to bethlenco.com to enter my new site!.*
Please go to Beth Lenco on YouTube and enjoy my Goddess Meditations and Oracle work.
New Essentrics Classes This Summer!
All my practices and work are grounded in the wisdom that humans are essentially good and worthy and we are here to blossom our own hearts as expressions of that goodness.
I offer intuitive tarot readings, soul centred astrological consultations, shamanic healing, spiritual guidance, and flower essence remedies blended with crystals and stars. I teach classes in creativity and shamanism, run a journey circle, and bring people together for self and planetary healing.
I am also a fine artist working in oil, acrylic, and watercolours.
visit my art page to see more:

All payments can be made with PayPal or if you live in Canada, e-transfer. Always reach out with any questions.
Please join my newsletter on the contact page to stay up to date on the latest specials and creations, and early registration prices for all classes and events.
Also find me on facebook (beth Lenco) and Instagram (starfloweressences)
Thank you!
We use shamanism as the doorway into ecstatic relationship with the earth.
Shamanism is essentially the practice of animism, which forms a world view where everything is alive and has spirit. With this cosmology we become participants in the web of life and find belonging. We re-enter wholeness. It is a practice of reciprocity where we learn the true value of giving and receiving within the web of life.
The practice of shamanism helps people gain control over their lives by establishing relationship with all beings, be they stars, plants, stones, animals, people, or gods and goddesses.
Wise Woman Shamans work with the divine beings of nature, ancestors, tutelary spirits, and power animals to create a network of support and healing where we can all feel safe to heal and transform. This reweaves us back into the web of life.
If you would like to learn more, come join a class or book a healing session.